How to import a trusted certificate
To import a trusted certificate into a keystore from file:
- From the Tools menu, choose Import Trusted Certificate.
Alternatively click on the Import Trusted Certificate toolbar
- The Import Trusted Certificate dialog will appear.
- Select the folder where the certificate file is stored.
- Click on the required certificate file or type the filename
into the File Name text box.
- Click on the Import button.
- If Portecle cannot establish a trust path from the certificate in
the file to an existing self-signed trusted certificate in your
keystore (or the CA certs keystore if it is enabled):
- The Certificate Details dialog will be displayed.
- After viewing the details acknowledge the dialog by
pressing the OK button.
- A further dialog will appear asking if you wish accept the
- Press the Yes button if you wish to trust the
certificate and import it and No if you do not. If you
answer No the import will abort.
- The Trusted Certificate Alias dialog will appear.
- Enter the alias of the new trusted certificate and press
- The new trusted certificate entry will appear in the keystore
Entries table with the chosen alias.
Shortcut key: Ctrl-T.