How to import a key pair
To import a key pair into a keystore from a PKCS #12 keystore or PEM
bundle file:
- From the Tools menu, choose Import Key Pair.
Alternatively click on the Import Key Pair toolbar
- The Choose Key Pair File for Import dialog will
- Select the folder where the required PKCS #12 or PEM bundle file is stored.
- Click on the required PKCS #12 or PEM bundle file or type the filename
into the File Name text box.
- Click on the Choose button.
- If the selected file was a PEM bundle containing encrypted private
keys, one or more Password for Private Key X dialogs
will appear, one fore each such key. Enter the private key password
into the dialog and press OK.
- If the selected file was not a PEM bundle containing key pairs,
the PKCS #12 Keystore Password dialog will appear. Enter the
PKCS #12 keystore's password into the dialog and press OK.
- The Import Key Pair dialog will appear populated with the
aliases of all key pairs present in the loaded PKCS #12 keystore or
PEM bundle.
- When you select a key pair its algorithm will be displayed. You
may also view each key pair's certificate details by pressing the
Certificate Details button.
- Select the required key pair and press the Import button.
- The Key Pair Entry Alias dialog will appear.
- Enter the alias of the new key pair and press OK.
- If the current keystore type is not PKCS #12:
- The Key Pair Entry Password dialog will be displayed.
- Enter the key entry's password into the dialog and press
- The new key pair entry will appear in the keystore entries table
with the chosen alias.
Shortcut key: Ctrl-K.