How to open a keystore
Note: Portecle supports the following keystore types: JKS
(normal and case sensitive version), PKCS #12, JCEKS,
BKS, UBER, and GNU Keyring. Attempts to open keystore files of any other
type will result in an error. See How to
create a new keystore for more information about keystore types.
To open a keystore from file:
- From the File menu, choose Open Keystore.
Alternatively click on the Open Keystore toolbar

- The Open Keystore dialog will appear.
- Select the folder where the keystore file is stored.
- Click on the required keystore file or type the filename
into the File Name text box.
- Click on the Open button.
- The Password for Keystore... dialog will appear.
- Type in the keystore's password and press the OK
- The title bar will change to display the keystore's filename
and the keystore entries table will be populated with the keystore's
Shortcut key: Ctrl-O.